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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A blindfolded woman wearing vibrant red sits on a bench with two perfectly balanced swords symbolizing a difficult decision or conflict. The moon hangs in the sky' illuminated by a curious beam of light. Behind her, a turbulent ocean churns and rages, a sign of her emotions. Two ravens sit quietly, watching to see her next move.

This card represents a difficult situation. You are dealing with two conflicting ideas or a challenging decision, but you are not willing to face the situation. You've closed your eyes to it. Rather than view it rationally, your emotions are distracting you. The Two of Swords suggests that this situation would benefit more from a rational decision than from an emotional one. It can also represent a truce or stalemate.

If reversed, this card indicates a broken truce or an imbalance in the situation. It can also mean that a choice is made for you rather than by you.

Use your intuition

  • What is the significance of the beam of light and the moon?
  • What is the role of the ravens in this image?

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